Contact Us at Uluru Travel
For all your Uluru (Ayers Rock) accommodation needs, vehicle hire, Ayers Rock tours and activities or Uluru (Ayers Rock) package deals we are here to help. We can recommend and book you into sightseeing Ayers Rock tours and accommodation in Uluru. Just contact Uluru Travel using one of the methods below and one of our friendly team members will gladly help create your Ayers Rock dream holiday or weekend getaway at Australia's Red Centre.
Please note Uluru Travel is an independent business without any direct affiliation or connection to Voyages trading as Ayers Rock Resort.
Phone Contact
Ph: 1300 559 390 (within Australia)
Calling from overseas? use the following Toll Free
Please note: We only offer
an English speaking service.
- US dial - 01161 1300 559 390
- NZ dial - 0061 1300 559 390
- UK dial - 0061 1300 559 390
- Europe dial - + 61 1300 559 390*
- Asia dial - + 61 1300 559 390*
- Rest of the World - + 61 1300 559 390*
*+ symbol refers to the specific international prefix you need to dial when calling outside of your country or region (eg From Hong Kong prefix is 001) so you would dial 00161 1300 559 390. (Please note rest of China prefix is 00)
Email Contact
Email: info@uluru.com
Conferences and Incentives
Voyages offers conference, meeting and incentive locations like no other place on Earth. For conference packages tailored to your needs, please contact Uluru Travel or request a quote online. Read more...
Conference and Incentive Sales Manager
Email: conferences@uluru.com
Ph: +61 3 9876 7299
Website Feedback
We welcome your comments and ideas on our web site. Please let us
know what you found helpful and what we can improve. Thanks for
taking time to tell us!

To make a Reservation call 1300 559 390
(within Australia) or email us info@uluru.com
(Uluru Travel is an independent travel agent without any direct affiliation to Voyages trading as Ayers Rock Resort)
Terms & Conditions