Uluru Bushwalks
Sunrise and Sunset Viewing
Watching the colour of Uluru and Kata Tjuta change is a spectacular and popular
activity. The colour changes result from the effects of the Earth's atmosphere
on the sun's incoming rays. The ash, dust particles and water vapour present
in the earth's atmosphere act as a filter which can remove the bluer light from
the incoming rays of the sun, allowing the redder light through at different
times of day. Reflections from the rock and clouds in the sky enhance the vivid
There are specific parking areas constructed at the best locations to view and photograph the sunrise and sunset at Uluru and Kata Tjuta.
This is a good time of the day to reflect on your day's activities and the living cultural landscape of the park.
Dune Viewing Area - Kata Tjuta
Magnificent panoramic views of the southern side of Kata Tjuta are available
from the dune lookout
The Dune Viewing Area is located off the Kata Tjuta Road. Dune-top platforms
provide seating, shade and visitor information. The area offers spectacular panoramic
views of Kata Tjuta and the sand dunes. The return walk will take about 30 minutes.
Uluru can also be easily seen on the distant horizon from this lookout.
Ranger Guided Walk
A free Ranger guided Mala Walk is conducted daily from the base of Uluru. It
starts at 8:00am October through to April and 10:00am during May through to
September. Allow 1.5 hours. This walk is wheelchair accessible.
A Ranger will guide you along a shaded track, stopping to discuss Tjukurpa (Aboriginal law) stories associated with Mala ancestors, joint management, rock art, traditional Anangu lifestyle, history and the environment.
Self - Guided Walks
Self-guiding brochures for the Mutitjulu Walk and the Mala Walk can be purchased
from the Cultural Centre. Both walks are wheelchair accessible.
Mutitjulu Walk - Southern side of Uluru (1km / 45mins return)
This track leads to a special waterhole, which is the home of Wanampi,
an ancestral watersnake. For centuries Mutitjulu was an important campsite
for Anangu at Uluru. Their modern community in the Park is named after
the area. On this walk you will learn about Kuniya Tjukurpa - the great
battle between Kuniya (woma python) and Liru (poisonous snake man).
Mala Walk - North-West side of Uluru (2km / 1hr return)
This track begins at the Mala Walk car-park and ends at the inspiring Kantju Gorge. On this walk you will learn about Mala Tjukurpa and see where dramatic events took place during creation times. From the waterhole you can continue on the Base Walk or stroll back to the car-park. Returning the same way is recommended, however, you can take the shorter route back along the road.
Walking Tracks
Longer Walks
Base of Uluru (9.8km / 3-4hrs full circuit)
This track goes around Uluru. It is an excellent alternative to the Climb. The walk is quiet and you are unlikely to encounter large groups of people in most areas. Walk in a clockwise direction. It takes in the Mala and Mutitjulu walks along the way.
Valley of the Winds - Kata Tjuta (7.4km / 3 hrs full circuit)
This is your opportunity to walk in the spectacular landscape of Kata Tjuta. Excellent views can be enjoyed from two lookout points along the track. Please beware that the walk is steep, rocky and difficult in places.
For your safety, this walk is closed from Karu Lookout at 11.00am if the forecast temperature is 36º or greater.
Shorter Walks
Walpa Gorge - Kata Tjuta (2.6km / 1 hr return)
Takes you to the end of the Gorge where Spearwood vines flourish. The track gently rises as you go giving a good view of the surrounding country to the west.
Mutitjulu - Southern side of Uluru (1km / 45mins return)
Takes you to a beautiful waterhole past rock art sites. In this area you will see evidence of the battle between Kuniya (woma python) and Liru (poisonous snake man). Available as a self-guided walk.
Mala - North-West side of Uluru (2km / 1hr return)
Takes you to the inspiring Kantju Gorge past several caves used by Anangu not so long ago. Available as a self-guided walk.
Dune Walk - Bus sunset carpark (30 mins return)
Takes you along a sand dune with views of both Uluru and Kata Tjuta. Look for animal tracks, compare sand dune vegetation with the woodland stretching towards Kata Tjuta.
Anangu Tours - Kuniya and Liru Walks
The Kuniya and Liru walks are led by Anangu Tours - an Aboriginal owned enterprise. Anangu guides tell you about Tjukurpa, bush food, traditional lifestyle and they demonstrate some of their bush skills. For details of times, bookings and charges contact Anangu Tours.
Safe Walking
Every year a number of visitors suffer from heat stroke and heat exhaustion. These conditions are easily preventable - just by being better prepared.
Remember to:
Wear a hat, strong shoes and sunscreen.
Carry and drink at least 1 litre of water per hour.
Walk in the cooler parts of the day.
Stay on the track.
To make a Reservation call 1300 559 390
(within Australia) or email us info@uluru.com
Terms & Conditions